Friday, September 26, 2008

Where do we start?

So here we are! Finally it seems that the blog is created. It has been very difficult to decide all the small details and you already know that I am a completely disaster deciding things.

So first of all I had to decide about the name. 'Asiajant', this is a new word I've just created using Asia and the common way to finish the gerund in Catalan, so basically it means my new adventure: living, learning, enjoying, suffering... during the next 3 months around south-est Asia.

The second thing I had to decide in order to create the blog was the language. You already know that I usually speak Catalan, but this trip was planned and created in Cork, where I moved two years ago and I spent too many good feelings and moments with all of you. Finally you were the ones that pushed me to jump from the plane and start this dream. I will miss you a lot but here you can post your comments and we can still be in touch. This would be now my new Crane Lane ;-) So, I will try to write the blog in English, that more or less is the language that many people can read and understand. I am not sure if I will be able to transmit my feelings in English, I still don't feel confidence enough. Then, probably I will switch to Spanish or Catalan... But like all this adventure, let's see what happens!

Anyway, so here are my plans. I'll be leaving Cork (would be a very sad day) on Sunday 28th. I'll be flying to London where I will spend all the night in the airport probably remembering, with some tears in my eyes, all the great moments you gave me in Cork during these last 2 years. Then, around 7am on the 29th, a plane is waiting to bring me to Bangkok, in the heart of Thailand.

Then, who knows... the initial plan is to go to the north of Thailand, crossing to Laos, then Vietnam and Cambodia.... How? I have no clue... Do ya wanna join this adventure?

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